agent and senior couple

Opportunities Keep Coming

As you know this year continues to keep us on our toes, and I’m reminded of the enormous change and uncertainty that swept through our industry when the ACA was first introduced. As I walked in the door starting my business, many were running for the exit. To me change and uncertainty equal opportunity. Today opportunities keep coming, and our association provides the tools and resources we need to make the most of it.


SAHU has been a part of my journey as an independent agent and small business owner since I started down this road more than 12 years ago. It is fitting that I follow in the footsteps of our Immediate Past President Helen Ornellas. I met Helen at a SAHU event as I was starting my new business. She offered a much-needed perspective, which helped me persevere through the first few years when many falter and leave the industry. Helen demonstrates daily one of the foundational benefits of joining this association, the chance to connect with colleagues to educate and encourage one another.


Helen, and Rosamaria Marrujo before her, made it a mission of our chapter to expand mentorship and leadership through the creation of the Past Presidential Advisory Committee. The committee provides insight, one on one mentorship, and guidance for those interested in leadership at the local, state and national level. If you are interested in pushing yourself to the next level, join a local committee and attend our events. The upcoming Business and Medicare Expo on August 28th is a must attend event! Membership and participation are investments in your future, and your future is bright.

I’m looking forward to serving as the 2024-2025 President of our local chapter and working with a talented and enthusiastic group of insurance professionals on this year’s board. SAHU is nearing the end of a long journey to rebrand. You can expect the roll out of our new name and logo this year. The change will better align us with our state level organization, California Agents & Health Insurance Professionals (CAHIP) and will better represent all our local chapter members, including our new members from outside the Sacramento area. Welcome to all of you!


Here’s to a bright and exciting year,

David Brabender, CAHIP NorCal President 2024-25

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