SAHU Newsletter | January 2022

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January Member Meeting

Member Meeting Recap | Jan. 19, 2022

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If you attended this event, or have tickets to this event associated with your account, you will not need to purchase access again. Please contact if have trouble accessing the recap.

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SAHU Spreading Awareness for

Last week, the White House announced, a site with the purpose of supplying free rapid antigen COVID-19 tests to every U.S. household. The new site is now live and ready to take orders, as well as provide additional resources and information for those in need of testing.

The key takeaway is every home in the U.S. is eligible to order 4 free at-home COVID-19 tests. For convenience, if you are interested in ordering immediately, you can use the link below to go directly to the order form and skip all the extra information. USPS Order Form

Additionally, on the site, you’ll find information on other locations you can purchase additional at-home tests, how you can be reimbursed by your insurance for up to 8 at-home tests per month, and 20,000+ Community-Based Testing Sites that will provide free testing.

Lastly, you can find answers to many of the frequently asked questions regarding testing and preparedness. Including What comes with the tests, when is recommended to use them, what to do if you get a positive or negative test, and much more. There will also be a phone number provided at a later date, so those without access to computers or high-speed internet can place orders.

We here at Sacramento Association of Health Underwriter, as industry-leading professionals, consider the health of our communities to be of utmost importance. We are strongly encouraging everyone to place the order for their household, that they may have the tests when needed. Should any individual find they are having trouble navigating or accessing the website, they can feel free to contact SAHU directly at any time, and we will connect you with a local professional that can provide one-on-one help.


For over 30 years, SAHU has worked to improve our members’ ability to meet the health, financial and retirement security needs of all Californians and Americans through education, advocacy, and professional development. For more information, please visit:

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SAHU Newsletter | December 2021

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SAHU Newsletter | November 2021

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Member Meeting Recap | Nov. 17, 2021

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If you attended this event, or have tickets to this event associated with your account, you will not need to purchase access again. Please contact if have trouble accessing the recap.

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SAHU Toy Drive 2021

SACRAMENTO, CA 24 November 2021 — Sacramento Association of Health Underwriters is seeking donations from the local community, for their 2021 Toy Drive to support River Oak Center for Children.

Dear Sacramento Community,

You stepped up in 2020 during the worst stage of the pandemic to ensure the kids of River Oak Center for Children could enjoy the magic of the Christmas season. To be honest, the response we received from our community of givers completely overwhelmed our expectations! We gathered more than 150 gifts totaling over $2800 in value! Just imagine the joy and excitement those donated toys brought to a child or caretaker. Christmas 2021 is upon us and not only is the need great in the community, the inventory of available toys and goods are limited on the shelves. Last year was the first time we utilized an Amazon-based shopping list and the simplicity of buying and shipping the gifts to a central location could not have been easier. This year we would love to expand on that concept with a wider array of gift options to fit any giver’s budget. The key is going to be shopping early to place those orders before the Black-Friday madness and shipping delays. We also welcome you to pick toys or gifts that may not be on the wish list, but would be appreciated by kids and teenagers alike. If you happen to make a purchase outside of the Amazon wish list, we will be happy to make arrangements to retrieve the gift from your office or they can be mailed to the attention of Brian Christy at Western Health Advantage – 2349 Gateway Oaks Drive, Suite 100, Sacramento, CA 95833. Please try to make those purchases before November 30th to allow time for shipping and our delivery to River Oak in early December.

If you have it in your heart and budget, please take a moment to browse the wish list at the link below.


For over 30 years, SAHU has worked to improve our members’ ability to meet the health, financial and retirement security needs of all Californians and Americans through education, advocacy, and professional development. For more information, please visit:

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SAHU Comments on Medicare’s 2022 Part A & B Costs

SACRAMENTO, CA 19 November 2021 — As with every year around this time, CMS (Center for Medicaid & Medicare Services) has released the premium costs for the coming year. Unlike previous years in recent memory, this new cost summary comes with a bit of sticker shock, with the standard cost for Part B jumping an unheard-of $21.60 from the previous year ($148.50 in 2021 to $170.10 in 2022). By comparison, the change from 2020 to 2021 was only an additional $3.90. 

Although this updated cost is larger than expected, it is not without reason.

“These dramatic increases are in part due to the rising costs of health care and the approval of a new Alzheimer’s disease drug Aduhelm.” SAHU’s President-Elect Rosamaria Marrujo said on the matter, “There are about 2 million people covered by Medicare with Alzheimer’s disease (2017 Kaiser Foundation study). This new medication is covered by Medicare Part B, not the Part D drug plan as it is administered by a doctor. If just 25% of this population were to receive this medication, it would cost $29 billion in just one year. To put that in perspective, Medicare paid $37 billion on all Part B drugs in 2019 (Kiplinger Report 11/12/2021). The approximate cost for a one-year treatment of Aduhelm is about $56,000. It is prescribed for people with early onset of dementia and has shown to slow the progression of the disease in clinical trials. It is not a cure nor appropriate for people with moderate or advanced Alzheimer’s disease.”

Below are a few additional details provided by CMS regarding Parts A & B costs.

Part A Costs

If you don’t qualify for premium-free Part A, you can buy Part A.   People who buy Part A will pay a premium of either $274 or $499 each month in 2022 (Up from $ and $ in 2021) depending on how long they or their spouse worked and paid Medicare taxes.

If you choose NOT to buy Part A, you can still buy Part B. In most cases, if you choose to buy Part A, you must also:

  • Have Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance)
  • Pay monthly premiums for both Part A and Part B

Part B Costs

The standard Part B premium amount in 2022 is $170.10 (Up from $148.50 in 2021). Most people pay the standard Part B premium amount. If your modified adjusted gross income as reported on your IRS tax return from 2 years ago is above a certain amount, you’ll pay the standard premium amount and an Income Related Monthly Adjustment Amount (IRMAA). IRMAA is an extra charge added to your premium.  

Part B deductible & coinsurance in 2022, you pay $233 for your Part B deductible. After you meet your deductible for the year, you typically pay 20% of the Medicare-Approved Amount for these:

  • Most doctor services (including most doctor services while you’re a hospital inpatient)
  • Outpatient therapy
  • Durable Medical Equipment (Dme)

For more information regarding these annual changes visit CMS at

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For over 30 years, SAHU has worked to improve our members’ ability to meet the health, financial and retirement security needs of all Californians and Americans through education, advocacy, and professional development. For more information, please visit: 

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SAHU Newsletter | October 2021

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Year in Review | 2020 – 2021

From Past-President Samantha Siders

Last year felts so long ago, but the term actually ended just at the end of June. So, it wasn’t all that long ago, and it was quite an interesting term. We obviously had a pandemic to deal with, we had to get creative with our events, and we were forced to go virtual with our meetings. This was quite interesting, and I have to say not what I expected when I signed up as president of SAHU for that Term. I have to tell you the team of our partners, our members, and our supporters really pulled together and made it so we had a very successful term.

Our main goals for the last term were to get new membership, have virtual meetings (Who know?! I think I might have jinxed us there…), then do a whole SAHU Refresh for imaging and website, and to get more exposure in general.

Regarding new membership, we were able to increase our membership just a little bit during our term. We also held a membership blitz, and then increased our social media presents in an effort to gain even more membership in the continuing terms as well.

Virtual meetings started as an initiative we wanted to put in place, and it ended up being something mandatory. So, we were able to successfully move all the monthly programming over to virtual. Which in fact, in many cases increased our attendance when compared to the in-person meetings. This is why, even though we may be able to find venues here and there where we can hold in-person meetings, we’re finding that more and more people have access to our monthly meetings by going virtual. It’s been really great! We also had a successful Professional Development Day that went virtual as well. Some wonderful achievements by the board and the whole team.

On the topic of more exposure and the SAHU refresh. Theses two things kind of go hand in hand. If you haven’t noticed, we have a brand-new logo and new website. If you haven’t gone on the website yet, please do ( It’s amazing and very user friendly. We have new E-blast going out, and then again, we have a big social media initiative that we’ve been working on as well.

We also received CAHU Awards for Medium Chapter of the Year, Outstanding Chapter Newsletter, and Website of the Year!

Thank you for all your support! To our SAHU partners, members, and supporters, we couldn’t have done any of this without you. On behalf of myself, as former president, and the board of directors, both past and current years, we thank you so much for your support!

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