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SAHU Member Meeting: Explore the Impact of Healthcare Advocacy and Care Management with Renee Balcom

Virtual Event

Gain Valuable Insights from Renée Balcom: Professional Healthcare Advocate, Founder of Renee & Company, and Creator of About the Speaker: Renee spent more than a decade consulting and providing services to families looking for care solutions for their loved ones. She and her team of professional healthcare advocates help people navigate the healthcare system, […]

$15.00 – $30.00

2023 River Oak Center For Children’s Turkey Dinner Drive

River Oak Center for Children 5445 LAUREL HILLS DR., Sacramento, United States

Join us for the River Oak Center for Children's 2023 Turkey Drive on November 20th. This year, we're taking a different approach to create an even greater impact. Instead of food donations, we kindly request cash contributions. Your generous donations will enable us to provide complete meals to a larger number of individuals. In the […]
