Let's Find the Answers You Need

If you have a question that is not listed here, please feel free to contact us.

What is CAHIP & NABIP?

CAHIP is the California Association of Health Underwriters & NABIP is the National Association of Health Underwriters

What are the NABIP Membership Benefits?

Technology solutions, professional development, business & personal services, and client management. You can read more about that here.

How can I renew my membership?

You can renew your membership at NABIP.

Who do I contact if I am having trouble logging into my NABIP Account?

Ulla Ashgood-Boshigt
Sr. Director of Member Relations


I would like to be a CAHIP NorCal Sponsor, who do I contact?

You can contact the Executive Director or the President to discuss your sponsorship. Alternatively, you can send a message here.

I would like to be a speaker at an event, who do I contact?

You can contact the Programs Chair or use our contact form.

I need to know if I paid for an upcoming event, who do I contact?

You can contact the Executive Director or use our contact form.

I would like to be on the SAHU Board or Committee, who do I contact?

You can contact the SAHU President or simply use our volunteer form.

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