Contribute to the PAC

How it Works
Each of the local chapters of the California Agents and Health Insurance Professionals (CAHIP) are supposed to elect a Legislative Chair. Local chapter Legislative Chairs serve as the primary liaison between the local chapters’ members and legislative efforts at the State and national level.
Annually, CAHIP’s House of Delegates elects a Vice President of Legislation to serve on the CAHIP Executive Board. CAHIP’s Vice President of Legislation takes office on July 1 and is responsible for communicating with local chapter Legislative Chairs and coordinating grassroots legislative efforts.
Usually, the Vice President of Legislation will schedule regular monthly conference calls to keep local chapter Legislative Chairs informed. If a local chapter Legislative Chair doesn’t have the schedule for conference calls, he/she should call or Email CAHIP’s Vice President of Legislation to obtain the calendar of events and activities for the year.
The entire CAHIP Board then votes to accept or reject the Legislative Council’s recommendations. As an organization, CAHIP has no official position until the CAHIP Board votes to take a position.
Get Involved
There are many ways to get involved in our legislative advocacy program, and make no mistake about it – your active participation is critical and greatly appreciated. Monetary contributions to our state and national Political Action Committees, CAHIP PAC and HUPAC, are the lifeblood of our success and need not be spectacular to make a difference. We also need boots on the ground in your local communities, as well as your input and insights about issues that affect our clients and their families. Please see below and explore the many other ways you can help us make a difference on behalf of health care consumers.