How long have you been a member of SAHU? Joined in 2001.
Why did you join SAHU and what do you love most about SAHU?
My boss told me he wanted me to be the SAHU liaison for our company. My response was "What's SAHU?" But I was happy to get out of the office for a fancy lunch each month. At that time, SAHU met at a Sacramento restaurant called Andiamo, which had REALLY good food and that's where I began rubbing shoulders with the local leaders of our industry in those days. And, the rest is history as they say.
What’s one skill you’d like to develop or sharpen this year within SAHU? Networking for the purpose of more speaking opportunities.
What’s the best piece of career advice you’ve ever received?
To operate in a mindset of abundance vs. scarcity. There's more business out there then you could EVER try to win, so don't be discouraged when the universe tells you no.
What’s your biggest professional accomplishment so far?
The Women's Leadership Summit we launched in 2019 is really beginning to soar, and our new non-profit educational foundation, Ellevate, is now up and running. So proud of this platform and the impact it's making in the lives we've touched.
When you’re not working, how do you enjoy spending your time?
Entertaining family & friends with good food, good times and good cheer. Love boating and camping too, so if you're also a fan, let's talk!
Visit, click the Value Flyer to download a copy, and share! Don't let them miss out on the many opportunities that come with membership.
The LPRT was formed in 1942 to recognize success in our industry.
Today, the LPRT is committed to being the premier program for top Health, Disability, Long-Term Care and Worksite Marketing Insurance Producers, carrier reps, carrier management, and general agency/ agency managers.
NAHU created the President's Triple Crown Program to recognize those members whose individual contributions to NAHU help advance the association's mission.
REBC® Designation Elective: Earning the REBC designation elevates your credibility as a professional and prepares you to best serve your clients. Click here to access more information about the REBC designation, including the learning objectives and curriculum.
Brand Sets Professionals Apart from the Rest NAHU’s certifications offer a brand that sets professionals apart from the rest and the logo can be applied to media announcements, email signatures, business cards, and company letterhead to highlight professional accomplishment. After completing the final exam, a download version of the logo stamp of authentication will be generated.
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