I am excited to work with my industry colleagues who are passionate about their careers and serving their clients through these times of change. Now more than ever, we need to join together to inspire one another; work to educate our community as to the importance of working relationships with agents and brokers; and to create a valued presence and relationship with our legislators on the State and Federal level.
{SAHU} is excited to announce the rebranding of our Sacramento association to keep up with the rebranding at the state level, California Agents & Health Insurance Professionals- (CAHIP), to the national level the National Association of Benefits and Insurance Professionals (NABIP). Our local chapter rebranding will make it easier for everyone to understand what we do and truly represent our members the way it was intended. And, by doing so, we can help develop a stronger connection amongst one another to grow our presence as a leader in the community.
We were excited to be back in person for all our events in 2022-2023! Our events were full of excitement, and we had a good time seeing everyone after 2 years of Zoom. In 2023-2024 we will be in person as well with new and exciting opportunities to network and meet in person even more so. Keep an eye out for the emails and mark your calendars for our exciting events in 2023-2024, offering you fantastic opportunities to grow your business while having a blast!
Our mission in 2023-2024 is mentorship and leadership. {SAHU} is looking for those who would like to make a difference in our chapter, in the industry, and their careers. We have started the Past Presidential Advisory Committee to provide insight, one on one mentorship, and guidance for those who are interested in leadership at the Chapter Level, State Level and National. Or lets us know how we can help you; we have the tools and people! 35 Years strong!
As a member, look forward this year to seeing more opportunities to connect, network and grow with each other as we focus on Mentorship and Leadership of our prestigious association. Taking what we learned in the past years’, going virtual allowed us to find new innovative ways to offer more benefits to our members. Creating new hybrid experiences to learn, collaborate, network, advocate and participate as a community of leaders in our insurance industry moving forward. In keeping with our mission to improve its members’ ability to meet the health, financial and retirement security needs of all Americans through education, advocacy, and professional development; we are eager to increase your access to national, statewide, and local Member Benefits this year.
I look forward to serving you,
Helen Ornellas, SAHU President 2023-24
Help Us Choose SAHU's New Name!
As you are aware, our National and State level associations just recently went through a name change to align their names with the work we do within our industry. The National Association of Health Underwriters is now named National Association of Benefits & Insurance Professionals. The California Association of Health Underwriters is now named California Agents and Health Insurance Professionals. The local chapter in Sacramento (Sacramento Association of Health Underwriters or SAHU) will also be following in the steps of our National and State level associations to align with the same mission. There will also be a consolidation of other local chapters within Northern California, in which we will become one association with the areas surrounding the Greater Sacramento Valley. Therefore, we will be asking you to provide your vote on the best name to capture our expanded association here in Northern California. The following names have been cast as options:
CAHIP – Sacramento
CAHIP – Greater Sacramento
CAHIP – Sacramento Valley
CAHIP – Norcal
CAHIP – Northern California
Take a moment to tell us what you think we should be called using the link below!
The LPRT was formed in 1942 to recognize success in our industry.
Today, the LPRT is committed to being the premier program for top Health, Disability, Long-Term Care and Worksite Marketing Insurance Producers, carrier reps, carrier management, and general agency/ agency managers.
NAHU created the President's Triple Crown Program to recognize those members whose individual contributions to NAHU help advance the association's mission.
REBC® Designation Elective: Earning the REBC designation elevates your credibility as a professional and prepares you to best serve your clients. Click here to access more information about the REBC designation, including the learning objectives and curriculum.
Brand Sets Professionals Apart from the Rest NABIP’s certifications offer a brand that sets professionals apart from the rest and the logo can be applied to media announcements, email signatures, business cards, and company letterhead to highlight professional accomplishment. After completing the final exam, a download version of the logo stamp of authentication will be generated.
National Association of Benefits and Insurance Professionals
Simply answer a few short questions and be feature on social media and in the newsletter. We want to hear from you!
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Visit SAHU-CA.com/benefits, click the Value Flyer to download a copy, and share! Don't let them miss out on the many opportunities that come with membership.