Lasik Surgery May Be More Dangerous Than Previously Thought
A recent study has shown that LASIK surgery may be more dangerous than previously thought. A recent investigation by the FDA found that there have been several complications reported after LASIK surgery. These complications include dry eyes, halos around lights, and starbursts.
The president of the Sacramento Association of Health Underwriters, Rosamaria Marrujo, stated that “LASIK is not as safe as we were once led to believe” and urged people to do their research before getting the surgery. This is not the first-time concerns have been raised about the safety of LASIK surgery; a class action lawsuit was filed against the makers of LASIK devices in 2016. Despite these concerns, many people continue to undergo the procedure each year.
Lasik eye surgery is a popular vision correction procedure that involves reshaping the cornea. To ensure patients are informed of all potential risks associated with this treatment, the FDA mandates medical professionals to go over every possible outcome – including those for individuals living with diabetes who may suffer from long-term complications at an increased rate compared to non-diabetics.
Despite the high cost and lack of insurance coverage, Lasik eye surgery remains a popular procedure for 500,000 Americans annually. However, surgeons are not pleased with the FDA’s new regulatory requirements.
Lasik eye surgery is an important decision, and it is up to the individual whether they pursue it. To help people make a well-informed choice that works for them, the FDA has put together a comprehensive document outlining all the essential facts regarding this procedure.
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