Build your credibility and distinguish yourself from competitors when you sponsor our non-profit organization.
Choose from various sponsorships for the CAHIP NorCal 2025 Annual Golf Tournament:
Event Sponsor – (SOLD)$3000
Breakfast Burrito Sponsor – (1)$600
- Signage at the breakfast area. Serve and greet golfers, event acknowledgement.
Putting Sponsor – (1)$600
- Signage at the putting area. Greet golfers and run putting contest. Event acknowledgement.
Mimosa Sponsor (1) – $500
- Table signage at registration area to serve Bloody Mary’s and Mimosas.
Social Media Sponsor (2) – $600
- Exposure in CAHIP NorCal Golf Tournament Social Media Outreach.
Cannon Hole Sponsor (1) – $700
- Signage at the cannon, table for 2 on the tee, event acknowledgement.
Margarita Specialty Hole 14 Sponsor (SOLD)
- Signage at tee, Table for 2 on the tee, Event acknowledgment, Twice the golfer interaction – prime location
Party Tee Hole 14 Sponsor (3) – $750
- Signage at tee, table for 2 on the tee, event acknowledgement. Twice the golfer interaction – prime location
Pro Shot Sponsor (1) – $500
- Signage at the tee, table for 2 on the tee, event acknowledgement.
Drink Cart Sponsor (2) – $500
- Sign on the drink cart, drive the drink cart and bring what you serve
Bourbon & Cigar Sponsor (1) – $500
- Signage at tee, table for 2 on the tee, event acknowledgement. Bring Bourbon & Cigars to hand out.
Hole-in-One Sponsor (1) – $600
- Signage at the tee, table for 2 on the tee, event acknowledgement
Longest Drive Sponsors (2, Women’s/Men’s) – $500
- Signage at tee, table for 2 on the tee, event acknowledgement.
Closest to the Pin (2, Women’s/Men’s) – $500
- Signage at the tee, table for 2 on the tee, event acknowledgement.
Tee Sponsors – $400
- Signage at the tee, table for 2 on the tee, event acknowledgement. Hosted tee encouraged – be creative.
Tee Sponsor + Foursome – $1100
- Foursome & Signage at the tee, table for 2 on the tee, event acknowledgement.
All Sponsors receive sponsor ad placement on the CAHIP NorCal site, event communications and tournament program, and entrance to the 2025 Golf Tournament.
Depending on your choice of sponsorship, also receive on-site branding and extra ad placement on CAHIP NorCal social media channels and advertisements.