SAHU Newsletter | October 2022
SAHU Monthly Newsletter April 2022 Edition
In this Issue Crab Feed Recap April DEI Recap Member Highlight: Daniel Langarica Heard on the Net Upcoming Events Save the Date: Business Expo 2022
Crab Feed Recap Thank You to All Who Attended this Year's Crab Feed! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Total Head Count: 385
Photo Contest Winner: Liz Mack!
Thank You to All Our Crab Feed Sponsors ![]()
Thank You to the Live Auction and Raffle Donators Raised a total of $4,600! ![]()
Thank You to Our Crab Feed Committee
Special Thanks to Brad Davis and Josh Keller! ![]() Featured Member Daniel Langarica Cal Choice (CHOICE Administrators) Why did you join SAHU and what do you love most about SAHU?
Time management so that I can devote more and/or be more present with SAHU.
What’s your biggest (or one of your biggest) professional accomplishment(s) so far? Earning Sales Rep of the Year.
What’s the best piece of career advice you’ve ever received? Trust your instincts, you know more than you think you do.
I have recently been watching a lot of the NBA playoffs. I love spending time with my family, playing basketball, running, swimming, BBQing, eating great food and enjoying delicious wine. Know someone you think would benefit from a SAHU Membership?
Visit, click the Value Flyer to download a copy, and share! Don't let them miss out on the many opportunities that come with membership. Heard on the Net DCAHU's Communication Chair Bill Robinson compiled a brief update on things happening in our industry.
SAHU Board of Directors Silver Sponsor Bronze Sponsor Upcoming Events May 20 @ 7:30 am - 5:00 pm The SAHU Golf Tournament is an annual network event where we also raise money for PAC to help with our legislative efforts. It is fun and popular event that we look forward to every year! May 26 @ 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm Join us for networking, food trucks, drinks, and axe throwing!
Hosted at Lunch & Learn: Online Collaboration for the Insurance Agent June 15 @ 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm Insurance agents will gain a better understanding of how to leverage collaboration, and better organize resources, to ensure efficient and effective sales and client service. Course #385839 (1 Credit) Save the Date SAHU Business Expo 2022 Thursday, July 28th, 2022
Facing Forward | Together Evolving With the Future of Insurance Benefits ![]() In Case You Missed It To encourage a culture of inclusion that allows a diverse population to move along all lines of leadership, encourages innovation and results in measurable revenue growth.
The LPRT was formed in 1942 to recognize success in our industry.
Today, the LPRT is committed to being the premier program for top Health, Disability, Long-Term Care and Worksite Marketing Insurance Producers, carrier reps, carrier management, and general agency/ agency managers.
Check out the easy online application
NAHU created the President's Triple Crown Program to recognize those members whose individual contributions to NAHU help advance the association's mission.
Criteria 1. HUPAC Contribution $12 x 12 or flat $150
2. Recruit 2+ new members
3. Send 3+ Operation Shout messages
Professional Development Opportunities ![]() REBC® Designation Elective: Earning the REBC designation elevates your credibility as a professional and prepares you to best serve your clients. Click here to access more information about the REBC designation, including the learning objectives and curriculum.
Brand Sets Professionals Apart from the Rest
National Association of Health Underwriters
HUPAC, our national Political Action Committee, does a great job representing our interests in D.C. Become a HUPAC contributor today! |
If you enjoy the information in this newsletter, subscribe to receive them in your inbox every month!
SAHU Monthly Newsletter March 2022 Edition
In this Issue CapCon Recap Member Highlight: Rosamaria Marrujo Heard on the Net - March SAHU Crab Feed Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Event SAHU Golf Tournament Vanguard Event: Axe Throwing
CapCon Recap See some of SAHU's own enjoying their time in Washington, D.C. for the annual CapCon where they joined colleagues nation wide in making important changes happen in the health insurance industry and beyond.
Click Image for Larger View Want to take part in helping shape healthcare policy? Consider donating to CAHU PAC! Take a moment to learn about what CAHU PAC is and how your donation can help everyone. Know someone you think would benefit from a SAHU Membership?
Visit, click the Value Flyer to download a copy, and share! Don't let them miss out on the many opportunities that come with membership. Heard on the Net DCAHU's Communication Chair Bill Robinson compiled a brief update on things happening in our industry. ![]() Featured Member Rosamaria Marrujo Trusted American Insurance Agency Why did you join SAHU? Joined when my dear friend Helen Ornellas introduced me to an event. SAHU Events are a blast. Lots to learn and really a great place to share ideas and opportunities.
What’s one skill you’d like to develop or sharpen this year within SAHU? Social Media Networking, Podcasting and more technology enhancing resources.
What’s the best piece of career advice you’ve ever received? Slow down and listen! Being originally from a fast paced city, this was not easy!
What’s your biggest (or one of your biggest) professional accomplishment(s) so far? Building a thriving specialty insurance agency to over 6,000 agents nationwide.
When you’re not working, how do you enjoy spending your time? Travel and having new adventures with my family. Our 2 year old gives us a chance to relive everything in a new perspective.
SAHU Board of Directors Silver Sponsor Bronze Sponsor Upcoming Events April 8, 2022 @ 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm The Crab Feed is right around the corner, DON'T MISS OUT!
Make sure if you ordered a table that you have claimed all your tickets for your guest. You'll receive another reminder before the event.
If you haven't gotten your tickets yet, register now! There is a limited supply.
Consider donating items for Auction and Raffle, including desert. As with every year, part of the proceeds from the Crab Feed will benefit local charitable organizations across the Sacramento region.
Why Investing in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Pays Off April 20, 2022 @ 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm A Virtual Event ** Zoom Link to be Provided to Registrants Prior to Event ** Join us and our panelists and learn to encourage a culture of inclusion that allows a diverse population to move along all lines of leadership, encourages innovation and results in measurable revenue growth.
Moderator Jaclyn Lee, GPHR, SHRM-SCP, MS
Panelists Emily Santanelli
Melveen Stevenson
Cathy Rodriguez Aguirre
Dana Almora
Annual SAHU Golf Tournament 2022 Friday, May 20th, 2022 @ 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM The SAHU Golf Tournament is an annual network event where we also raise money for PAC to help with our legislative efforts. It is fun and popular event that we look forward to every year!
Join us at The Ridge Golf Club!
Have a drink, visit the food truck, network, and throw some axes! At The Smart Axe in Rancho Cordova
The LPRT was formed in 1942 to recognize success in our industry.
Today, the LPRT is committed to being the premier program for top Health, Disability, Long-Term Care and Worksite Marketing Insurance Producers, carrier reps, carrier management, and general agency/ agency managers.
Check out the easy online application
NAHU created the President's Triple Crown Program to recognize those members whose individual contributions to NAHU help advance the association's mission.
Criteria 1. HUPAC Contribution $12 x 12 or flat $150
2. Recruit 2+ new members
3. Send 3+ Operation Shout messages
Professional Development Opportunities ![]() REBC® Designation Elective: Earning the REBC designation elevates your credibility as a professional and prepares you to best serve your clients. Click here to access more information about the REBC designation, including the learning objectives and curriculum.
Brand Sets Professionals Apart from the Rest
National Association of Health Underwriters
HUPAC, our national Political Action Committee, does a great job representing our interests in D.C. Become a HUPAC contributor today! |
If you enjoy the information in this newsletter, subscribe to receive them in your inbox every month!
SAHU Monthly Newsletter February 2022 Edition
In this Issue Featured Member: Carmen Perea Heard on the Net FREE Legislative Recap Past Events Upcoming Events In the News: CAHU Changes Name to CAHIP CAHIP Successfully Defeats Single-Payer Initiative
![]() Featured Member Carmen Perea WSR Insurance Services Why did you join SAHU?
Leadership skills! Never stop learning! Always lead as a Servant to all you work with. It takes a TEAM to have a successful Association.
What’s the best piece of career advice you’ve ever received? Wow! this is a great question. I'll have to say, "Never let anyone stump your growth" You can do it!
What’s your biggest (or one of your biggest) professional accomplishment(s) so far? My biggest accomplishment is being a part of SAHU and taking in all it brings to my career! Camaradie with wonderful insurance professionals in CA and Nationally, which have grown into wonderful, lifetime, friends. Leadership Skills, yes, a great opportunity to grow in this area and continue to learn to be a Serving Leader.
My #1 is Family!! I'm big on Family and how important it is to stay connected and embrace everyone! I also love to spend time with my Honey, Raull he's family too. Whether it be downtime watching movies or golfing. We both love to golf. I also very much enjoy spending time with friends too! Know someone you think would benefit from a SAHU Membership?
Visit, click the Value Flyer to download a copy, and share! Don't let them miss out on the many opportunities that come with membership. Heard on the Net DCAHU's Communication Chair Bill Robinson compiled a brief update on things happening in our industry. In the News
NAHU’s California Chapter Successfully Defeats Single-Payer Initiative Single-payer advocates in the California legislature simply did not have the votes required to pass AB 1400 out of the state Assembly last week, resulting in a major victory for health insurance professionals across the Golden State. AB 1400 would have eliminated private health coverage in California and replaced it with a single-payer, state-run healthcare system... CAHU Changes Name to CAHIP Commitment to Members Remains the Same The professional association previously known as California Association of Health Underwriters (CAHU), has changed its name to California Agents & Health Insurance Professionals (CAHIP, pronounced CAY-hip). The association, made up of more than 1,600 members in 13 chapters, is the state’s largest organization of professional health insurance professionals...
SAHU Board of Directors Silver Sponsor Bronze Sponsor Upcoming Events April 20, 2022 @ 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM A Virtual Event
May 26, 2022 @ 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
In Case You Missed It ![]() Check out February's Legislative Update recap for FREE
The LPRT was formed in 1942 to recognize success in our industry.
Today, the LPRT is committed to being the premier program for top Health, Disability, Long-Term Care and Worksite Marketing Insurance Producers, carrier reps, carrier management, and general agency/ agency managers.
Check out the easy online application
NAHU created the President's Triple Crown Program to recognize those members whose individual contributions to NAHU help advance the association's mission.
Criteria 1. HUPAC Contribution $12 x 12 or flat $150
2. Recruit 2+ new members
3. Send 3+ Operation Shout messages
Professional Development Opportunities ![]() REBC® Designation Elective: Earning the REBC designation elevates your credibility as a professional and prepares you to best serve your clients. Click here to access more information about the REBC designation, including the learning objectives and curriculum.
Brand Sets Professionals Apart from the Rest
National Association of Health Underwriters
HUPAC, our national Political Action Committee, does a great job representing our interests in D.C. Become a HUPAC contributor today! |
If you enjoy the information in this newsletter, subscribe to receive them in your inbox every month!
SAHU Monthly Newsletter January 2022 Edition
In this Issue Legislative News: AB 1400 – We Need You Help! Member Highlight: Mariette Lasley Upcoming Events: DEI Panel, Crab Feed, Axe Throwing Member Meeting Recap Heard on the Net
Legislative News: We Need Your Help! We need your help in requesting that the California Assembly OPPOSE AB 1400, which mandates a government run single payer health care program and abolishes private health insurance, Medi-Cal, Medicare, Covered California, and the valuable advocacy services of insurance professionals.
AB 1400 forces Californians into healthcare chaos while demanding they hand over an additional $200 billion dollars per year in new state taxes on jobs, income, services and more – making it more expensive to live in California for working families, seniors, and employers.
AB 1400 would force every single Californian into a government plan, taking away any choice for anyone who might want to select private coverage or opt out.
The deadline for this bill is January 31st, the time to act is now!
Contact your state assembly member today and urge them to OPPOSE AB 1400!
If you'd like to know more about this Assembly Bill, check out NAHU's article covering it in more details.
![]() Featured Member Mariette Lasley Ameritas Why did you join SAHU? I initially joined SAHU to introduce myself to the health insurance broker community. I LOVE SAHU because I feel welcome, valued, and able to strengthen my gifts and talents while building lifelong relationships. Through my contribution as a Board Member, I learn and appreciate SAHU for all it represents in our industry. What’s one skill you’d like to develop or sharpen this year within SAHU? Learning how to serve SAHU more while utilizing my gifts and talents to pay forward what I've received that is priceless!
What’s the best piece of career advice you’ve ever received? Get involved in your industry Association! Start with being on a committee to help plan a fun event.
What’s your biggest (or one of your biggest) professional accomplishment(s) so far? One of my biggest and most important professional accomplishments is having life long friends in the health insurance industry! Learning from brokers, event speakers, and nationwide leaders through their personal and business stories connects us personally and professionally. These relationships were build through SAHU, and my life has been enriched beyond measure!
When you’re not working, how do you enjoy spending your time? I live every waking moment pursuing Optimal Health through daily workouts, running in the woods and around my neighborhood; reading (including NAHU's Benefit Specialist publication) and learning new business and personal improvement, serving in my church and communities; and creating memorable adventures with my husband (Dave) and 11-year-old son (Joshua)! Know someone you think would benefit from a SAHU Membership?
Visit, click the Value Flyer to download a copy, and share! Don't let them miss out on the many opportunities that come with membership. Heard on the Net DCAHU's Communication Chair Bill Robinson compiled a brief update on things happening in our industry.
SAHU Board of Directors Silver Sponsor Bronze Sponsor Upcoming Events
February 16, 2022 @ 12:00 pm A FREE Virtual Event
Join us for important legislative updates regarding AB 1400, ACA 11, and more.
Why Investing in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Pays Off
April 20, 2022 @ 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm A Virtual Event
Program Overview
Keep an eye out for emails Highlighting all the panelists! ![]() Panel Moderator Jaclyn Lee, GPHR, SHRM-SCP, MS
Jaclyn Lee, a 2018 Outstanding 50 Asian Americans in Business Honoree, is a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) Advocate, Change Enablement Champion, and Business Strategist who works with leading enterprises around the globe to create high-impact and sustainable changes in workplaces and communities.
April 8, 2022 @ 6 pm – 10pm A Virtual Event
If you haven't heard already, SAHU Crab Feed 2022 has been moved to April 8, 2022. We're all looking forward to see you all there in your best super hero costumes!
Vanguard Event (Sacramento Axe-throwing Health Underwriters)
May 26, 2022 @ 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm Axe Throwing from 6pm - 8pm
Get ready for food truck, $5 beer and wine, a chance to spend time with industry leading professionals, and (you guessed it) axe throwing! Join us at The Smart Axe in Rancho Cordova.
In Case You Missed It The new member meeting recap is available on the SAHU website!
The LPRT was formed in 1942 to recognize success in our industry.
Today, the LPRT is committed to being the premier program for top Health, Disability, Long-Term Care and Worksite Marketing Insurance Producers, carrier reps, carrier management, and general agency/ agency managers.
Check out the easy online application
NAHU created the President's Triple Crown Program to recognize those members whose individual contributions to NAHU help advance the association's mission.
Criteria 1. HUPAC Contribution $12 x 12 or flat $150
2. Recruit 2+ new members
3. Send 3+ Operation Shout messages
Professional Development Opportunities ![]() REBC® Designation Elective: Earning the REBC designation elevates your credibility as a professional and prepares you to best serve your clients. Click here to access more information about the REBC designation, including the learning objectives and curriculum.
Brand Sets Professionals Apart from the Rest
National Association of Health Underwriters
HUPAC, our national Political Action Committee, does a great job representing our interests in D.C. Become a HUPAC contributor today! |